Monday, January 28, 2013

ummm, Cise blogger

Link to each other this week: here's how. On the sidebar of my page "East Side Professor" to which now you all have a link... scroll down to view the Click on one of your classmates links so that you can grab their URL. Copy it and then go back to your page. Go to "edit" function on your sidebar to add them there.

1. Link to the person who tagged you
Simply Tiffany
Slice of Life Flavored Cheesecake
East Side Professor
2. Post these rules on your blog

3. Tell about your six quirks, see below.

4. Tag three bloggers to do the same
Olive Joos
A Peek At Crazy
Krazy Kittys Korner
5. Leave them a comment to let them know that you’ve tagged them

My six quirks:

1. If I get more than 7 hours of sleep I am more worthless than if I slept for 1 hour.

2. I absolutely love to procrastinate, there are just too many other things to do then the things I HAVE to do.

3. I really love to drive, so I got a job that pays me to do it. I especially love to drive early in the morning, like 2 a.m. on to 4 a.m. The streets are absolutely deserted and I don't have to deal with all the S***** drivers that seem to amble along then slam on their brakes for no reason. It just doesn't make sense to me how some people can be that horrible at something that is so awesome. I think people forget that a hundred years ago humans were driving horses. Also, if I had my way, everyone would have to take a driving course taught by myself or others like me before they were allowed a license. Boys drive worse then girls.

4. Does anyone else talk to themselves as much as me? I don't think so. I can hold a conversation with myself about anything, and often find myself telling myself to shut-up. Sometimes I wonder if this is normal.

5. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Blog Blog Blog, that's all you ever do. When I was like ten years old, I tried to write a book. It turned out to be like three pages of babbling that only a child would understand, it was about a dog, his name was Satan. Though I misspelled the name, and everyone of my older brothers made fun of me for writing a story about Satin, and how he was lost in the dessert. I misspelled that word as well. :) I think this experience made me learn how to spell, and I went on to beat the sixth graders in my school at the spelling contest. Sorry, I started babbling again.

6. I like to think that when I am comfortable with my surroundings I am a pretty funny person. I like to make other people laugh. Laughter is very important. If there wasn't laughter, would everyone always cry?

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